Naja’s Favorite Blends Pink Passion Moroccan MmmIINT Butterfly Wings Subscribe To Naja Tea Latest from our Social Media Feed najatea #EcoEvolutionAhead! Since 2007, Naja Tea's class New #TeaPackaging coming soon! #BlackTea #GreenTe Cool moms drink Naja Tea. #JustSaying #tealover Our #Sippers are such a great way to try a tea wit So many ways to creatively serve up loose leaf tea Feeling spicy? Then today is a #WickedPlum kind o Get your FREE #TeaTube with purchase!! #teapronat Our founder, @naja_hayward, is a nostalgic Moon Ch Whether our latest Glass #TeaTube, our Glass Tea p Just a reminder - for all of you suffering in this Beat the heat! Summertime calls for a refreshing The Glass #TeaTubes are a HIT! Customers love tha We love when our VIP Tea customers share their VIT FREE Glass #TeaTube with purchase. Link in bio. IT'S ARRIVED!! And we've got TWO new additions to Get ready to celebrate your favorite #MAMA with th You know you're a Naja Tea fan when you convert yo Have you ever had Bailey's Irish Cream @baileysoff Mother's Day is just a few weeks away and our #Tea Soooo excited! We're on countdown for our Glass # Load More... Follow on Instagram